Gestreiftes von Julian Mayor


Der britische Designer Julian Mayor präsentiert seinen neuen gestreiften Sessel in der nächsten Woche auf der Design Junction vom 24-27 September im Rahmen des diesjährigen London Design Festival. Der Glasfaserstuhl wird mit drei Schichten und das grafische Muster, kommt von der Dazzle Camouflage Bemalung der englischen Kriegschiffe


Julian Mayor sagte, I actually made the original product in white, with a black interior, but the interesting join lines where the planes meet was lost, so I decided to paint stripes into the mould to emphasise the contours of the chair and reintroduce a graphical element that is present in my other work. I’m particularly happy with how the stripes give a hand made feel to a chair that is very shiny and perfect. the pattern also produced a kind of ‘dazzle camouflage’ effect that is not far from the first render that I had imagined.”

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